One Planet
How can we contribute to making the seating world more sustainable?
How can we go one step further, and persuade the consumer to opt for the more sustainable alternative? The answer is Anker One®, an initial brand collection focused on the more sustainable production and conservation of sofas. The Sustainability Passport is a label that indicates the level of sustainability.
Het Anker is an established name in the B2B business, but an unknown name to the general public. But this is slowly changing. Following on from the label ‘Anker Studio’ is now ‘Anker One’. A collection of loose-covered sofas made of recycled and/or recyclable materials.
This means an FSC wood interior, metal parts made of recycled or recyclable steel and/or aluminium, Dacron from recycled polythene, upholstery fabrics made from recycled PET bottles or from the natural materials wool, linen or cotton without chemical additives, and recycled cardboard or plastic packaging. The bottleneck was the foam: for seating there are few alternatives to traditional polyester foam. For the One collection, Het Anker works with foam made of Ricinus oil, also known as wonder oil, a 100% plant-based oil with unique characteristics. This foam offers a comfort comparable to gel or latex cushions.
Every model is provided with a Sustainability Passport: unique in the seating world. A checklist ticks off the sustainability of various parts. In the blink of an eye, you see which sustainability criteria your sofa meets. (This is comparable to the energy labels for white goods, homes and cars.)
What remains is the how and why of the loose covers. The motivation is to extend the lifespan of the sofa. In the first instance, you think of replacing a worn-out cover: does the sofa look as good as new again? The underlying idea is also to facilitate the ‘repair works’ in the interior of the sofa. The parts can be replaced or repaired. The entire sofa has been refurbished, so looks and feels ‘like new’ again. The fact that you can give your sofa a new look, a different colour or fabric based on the latest fashion or the season is actually an afterthought. Forget fluffy, these covers fit tightly around the sofa. In this, you recognise Het Anker’s signature. The addition of ONE alludes to our care for this one planet. Hence Anker ONE.