The fair is upon us!
This morning at 9 am sharp, the Brussels Furniture Fair began.
A very warm welcome to you all, and may good business be done by everyone. Let’s GO for it!
In any case, the offering shows positive progress, in terms of both quantity and quality. The fair has expanded by more than 5,000 m². Brussels can rightly call itself the Benelux fair. The ratio between Belgian (81) and Dutch (67) exhibitors is getting close to fifty-fifty. The mix of exhibitors is becoming markedly more international too, especially across Europe, thanks to the attendance of the Scandinavian firms. The fair is also more representative in terms of the various product and market segments. There is again a broader sleeping comfort offering, for example. And more exhibitors are attuning themselves to the contract market, to judge by the contract labels on their stands.
What would Brussels be without the extras? It is proud to offer more inspiration, more atmosphere, more conviviality and more pleasure – and new initiatives every year too.
First and foremost: the ECO Stories. These describe the exhibitors’ sustainable visions and the measures they’re taking to achieve them. You’ve already had the chance to read a few of them in the BLOG. The fair is an opportunity for you to gain further insights from the other exhibitors. You’ll recognise them from the ECO STORIES label on their stands. Allow yourself to be surprised. Take the information away with you about how to make your product, company or interior and hospitality project greener. Read about the CO2 calculator for carbon storage for wooden furniture. Or immerse yourself in the biennial Circular Business Awards. Perhaps it would be an idea to put your own circular business model in the spotlight?
A second initiative is the Press-reading corner in Hall 3. This is a cosy reading corner where you can leaf through a range of furniture industry magazines from across Europe.
Finally, the Burgundian factor. The fair has expanded and perfected its catering facilities. You can visit the Food Truck in Hall 3 (Pain Quotidien) and in Hall 5 the renovated restaurant Brasserie 58, the Thai Café, Picobello (pasta and paninis) and the BE-shop mini-market.
We definitely recommend immersing yourself in the Furniture is Furnature theme. Take in the atmosphere. Stroll through the trend forest in the Passages. Enjoy the live Art performances. And if you can, come to the presentation of the revamped Brussels Balthazar Awards, on Tuesday at 7.30 pm. We hope that everyone will leave the fair with a feeling of satisfaction. We all WENT for it!
If you’d like to prepare for your fair visit, you can view the floor plan here.