This was the furniture fair! What an experience!
The 2023 Brussels Furniture Fair has finished now.
So how was the fair? We can look back at it with a sense of satisfaction. The general mood was positive, despite today’s many challenges. You might say that there was a realistic optimism in the air.
Our discussions with exhibitors suggest that the overwhelming majority were satisfied: with the attendance, with the (new) contacts they made, and with the business outcomes. They were also pleased with the atmosphere at the fair, its ambience, its look and feel. We are proud to say that Brussels has once again lived up to its reputation.
The realistic optimism was evident in the new developments showcased in the offering. The pieces on display struck a balance between functional and aesthetic design, economic realities, and individual wishes. You could see that in the industry, customisation has become standard. You could see that the exhibitors are increasingly focusing on the tactile and visual dimensions. You could note the revival of craftsmanship. More and more manufacturers are using traditional techniques to create a surprising USP – also for modern collections. Handcrafted details elevate the furniture to a higher level, setting it apart from mass production. The same is true of the application of ‘design for disassembly’. There is a growing distance between ‘disposable’ and ‘sustainable’.
Hence the fair’s highly relevant ‘The Future is Furnature’ theme. The moment you stepped inside, you found yourself immersed in a wonderful natural landscape. Further on, you could explore eco case studies and listen to eco stories. What sustainable initiatives are out there? How does sustainability work in practice? In the passages between the halls, you could draw inspiration from the general interior trends – and from their concrete application at the fair, among individual exhibitors. With the Trendwolves and the Design Academies, you could see and hear what is going on and thriving with the younger generation. Their visions can be both clarifying and confronting.
These times call for a realistic, but optimistic mindset. Together we are aiming at a hopeful future.
The dates for the 2024 Brussels Furniture Fair are: 3-6 November 2024