The range can be redefined as ‘furniture for the (grand)children’.
Here and there, a step is taken towards different rooms such as the kitchen or living room. The term ‘original’ equates to ‘surprising, different’ ─ and this year also to ‘traditional, authentic’. From the olden days for the present day. Vipack is continuously fine-tuning and innovating.
The Olive collection harks back to the iconic Thonet chairs. In recent years, webbing has been making a comeback as a design trend, including in the doors of living room cabinets. But in a child’s bedroom? Vipack has stayed close to the source. Olive has a webbing headboard in a rounded wooden frame and with matching legs. The fact that it extends halfway down is quite exceptional. Just like in the olden days, the curved wood is finished in black (with white as an option). Just like in the olden days, the webbing has been affixed using the traditional method – which has been passed down from generation to generation. A groove has been cut into the wooden frame. The woven material is first soaked in water to make it more supple. It is then drawn tightly over the framework. The edges are pressed into the groove and secured with a slender reed rod. This is where the quality becomes crystal clear. There are no tacks, pins, or any such thing. What’s more, Olive has switched from the Thonet beech to European oak.
The choice of oak is no coincidence. What could be more wonderful than seeing your child’s bedroom used later for your grandchild? An oak child’s bedroom that you can pass down from generation to generation as an heirloom. This is one of the thought processes that lies behind Forrest Oak. This collection continues to grow, in the light of ‘now & later’. A piece of furniture like a desk is not linked to a place, age or time. You can just as well deploy it in the living room or kitchen. A new option is the upholstered headboard, a loose cover in bouclé, for a softer touch and warmer mood. Is Forrest Oak not to your taste or not within your budget? The alternative is Forrest Beech in white-lacquered beech.
In short, Vipack has more and more for everyone.